Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Murph

Yesterday was Memorial Day and like many CrossFit communities around the country, the community at CrossFit Cool Springs honored our fallen heroes by doing Murph. Murph is a Hero WOD named after Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy who was killed in Afghanistan on June 28, 2005. To learn more about the story of how Murph gave his life to try to save the other members of his team, click here

For most of us, yesterday was our first time doing Murph, which is a 1 mile run followed by 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats and ending with another 1 mile run. We had a great turn out and everyone finished despite bloody ripped hands and semi-functioning legs for the second mile! This was the fourth time that I've done a Hero WOD and I can honestly say as horribly hard as they are, there is something about trying to push yourself to the limit to honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. The hardest part of Murph, at least for me, wasn't the running, it was ripping my hands at pull-up number 90 and the push-ups. I actually enjoyed the last mile and channeled those awful first few miles of the Ironman run where you can't feel your crotch and hamstrings because you just sat on a bike for 112 miles. I finished with a time of 45:41 despite my left shoe being untied the entire last mile. Next year I'd like to do Murph with a weighted vest like how Michael Murphy used to do the workout. 

Results of the 9AM group
Results of the 11AM group
The 9AM group and in true CFCS fashion, after the 11AM group was over, we had a cookout where we all stuffed our faces with burgers, beer and guacamole with bacon in it
The ladies of the 9AM group
Sarah and I right after finishing! One of the strongest girls I know!
The 9AM ladies showing off their ripped hands
Besides kicking off the week with Murph, I'm going to do my final weigh-in and pinch at the end of the week to see if I've met my goal of being 15% body fat by 6/1. I know I originally said I wanted to get to 16%, but since I've had such success with the food plan that Jamie from Max Muscle in Cool Springs I've raised the bar a little higher for myself, so I'll keep you posted on what my results are on Thursday! I also set some new goals for myself at the gym, including being able to do 20 unbroken pull-ups and a bar muscle-up with a band by 7/1. I can do 10 unbroken pull-ups now, so as soon as my hands heal from Murph, I'll start chipping away at that goal, along with trying to figure out how to land on top of the bar with my arms extended, not chicken winged for a muscle-up.


  1. I read the boook The Lone Survivor it was really great! You should check it out to know the full story!

  2. It's on my reading list for when I'm sitting in a van for 30 hours during Ragnar next week!
