Tuesday, March 12, 2013

13.1 Hot Mess

Lately I've felt like if the phrase "hot mess" was in the dictionary, there would be a picture of me underneath the definition with no make up on in my gym clothes, weave all a mess under my Lululemon bang buster headband and grown out black shellac nails. This working from home thing is awesome, but it's also making me incredibly lazy when it comes to my personal apparence. I was in Seattle for seven days last week and I had to shower, wash my hair, put on make up and real clothes every day I was there because I was working and it was exhausting. Sometimes I wonder why guys don't ask me out more often and then I remember what I look like most days. I should probably work on that. 

Two big things going on in my life right now, well really one thing, I officially move into my condo on March 29 and the other big-ish thing (not really big, but something I'm looking forward to) is the CrossFit Games open workouts that take place over the span of five weeks.

The 13.1 workout. Whoever invented burpees must have been a real asshole
I did the first open workout on Saturday, 13.1 and I feel like they were taunting all the long distance runners turned wannabe CrossFitters with that name because 13.1 miles usually doesn't phase someone who puts in the miles, but before this 13.1 workout, I felt like I was going to puke. I legit felt like I did right before I swam the 200 fly back in the day. You know it's gonna hurt, you know it's gonna be ugly and you know your arms are going to feel like garbage when your done...but with this particular event, you can't dolphin kick 2/3's of the way each lap in an effort to try to save yourself. Former swimmer nerds, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Not to mention I barely knew how to snatch before I attempted the workout, so I stopped myself at 100 because I was so terrified I'd throw the 75lb bar over my head and miss catching it and end up back in the ER with another set of CrossFit induced stitches. Looking back, I'm pissed I didn't try at least one 75lb rep, but I guess there's always next year? My girlfriend hunting friend Sean came with me and killed it at the workout, he got to 150. Majorly impressed by his effort. Ladies, if you're looking for a stud athlete boyfriend, Sean is your man. And then we went to Barry's Bootcamp the next morning and regretted that decision the minute we got on the treadmill. Thankfully Josh the instructor didn't include burpees in the workout or else I feel like Sean and I would have been flopping around on the floor like a couple of dead fish. Here's the funny thing though, I think Sean and I are going to try to keep our little routine of doing the open workout Saturday and Barry's on Sunday up, so we shock our bodies into getting ready for beach season. Or at least that's how we're justifying our insanity.

As for my condo, like I said, I close and start moving in on the 29th. To me, my 1,200 square foot place is a mansion compared to the places I lived in while in Chicago, especially the last place I lived in, a 400 sq ft studio. I've got a 2+ car garage for my Mini Cooper and two bikes (anybody know anyone who needs to store a boat?!) and two bedrooms and two bathrooms. Both bedrooms have walk in closets, the shower in the master is huge and the guest bath is a good size as well, way bigger than any bathroom I had in Chicago. I bought an awesome purple sectional from Z Gallerie for the living room that I'm dying to see how it turned out. Yes, that's right a big purple couch. I am moving into Barbie's dream house.

The purple streak in my weave pretty much matches the color of my couch
I also bought myself a Kohler Moxie shower head for the master bath. I hope the sound proofing between units is good because if not, I at least hope my neighbors enjoy a little JT, Britney or the Skrillex Pandora station in the morning.

The housewarming party will be in May. Expect lots of bubbly and some Jello shots as a throw back to my dear friend Kelsey and I's days at DePaul. Should be a great time.

Kelsey and Jillian dance party circa 2008

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